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I remember back to my childhood sometimes thinking about needing certain support that I did not receive.  Support meaning emotionally, or support to be able to express myself, have a voice, be listened to, be seen for all that I am. 


As a child I needed to know that when I spoke there was no right or wrong. I needed to feel less judged. needed to be encouraged to continue and keep working and striving to do and be my absolute best. Why I do what I do is really about me becoming the person I needed when I was younger, for myself and for the future generations. 

I want our children to know that they are enough and that they matter. Their voice matters. This is not just about basketball and training. It is all encompassing. I believe that when all these areas are supported, it enables healthy growth and development of the whole child. It provides space for, and invites each child to reveal their greatness.


Everyday I am working with young people and I see and hear them beating themselves up. If they miss a shot for example. It's just one shot and they’re in training but I hear them speaking negatively to themselves. Some of them verbalise it and others I just notice their internal process in their outward expression.


It is a challenge 

We are all battling our insecurities 

We are working with low self esteem

We are lacking confidence


I feel so blessed to be able to step in and provide that safe space for young people, to really get to know who they are and what they are capable of. My clients leave my training sessions having created and discovered a more empowered version of themselves. 

After two years of working with one young person,  

One student said to me after two years: OMG you were right.   


“I am inspired by the willingness of young people to try anything that I throw at them in our training sessions. I love their determination, they do not give up even when they don’t get it the first time. I see young people realising they can do things and that lights me up!”

Presence - Being in the moment. Putting aside all other distractions and giving my clients my undivided attention.


Engagement - I believe effective communication is essential for developing a positive working relationship with all my clients. I am direct, love to challenge people in a gentle and nurturing way. 

Repetition - Practice makes progress and I believe that consistency is the key to supporting all my clients in building from exactly where they are at.  


Connection - is SO important to me. Feeling connected makes for a happy human experience and really supports growth and development. A positive connection allows a space for my clients to speak up, make mistakes, ask questions and feel safe.    


Acknowledgment - I love to verbally acknowledge my clients in both private and group sessions for their outstanding efforts and when I see them adopting an ‘I CAN’ attitude. 


Constructive Feedback - I am huge on positive reinforcement and I am also willing to offer specific feedback to support my clients in making adjustments and improvements where necessary.  


Mistakes - Are welcomed in my training space as they always precede learning and growth.   

Accountability - I am the type of coach facilitator who loves to see my clients build confidence in themselves and their ability to perform at  their highest. Everyone is at their own individual level and that is the place from which to begin.      


Self Reflection  - the ability to notice and evaluate our own cognitive, emotional, and behavioural processes. A time for each athlete to dig deep into themselves, think things through, see what works or what doesn’t and what will help them to be better moving forward.


Personal responsibility - If you put in the work, you will improve, build confidence, and learn to TRUST yourself’


Results - I see the biggest results in those who are willing to put in the work both in and outside of our training sessions.


BOOST for self esteem, feeling amazing about themselves, developing self belief, 




Our girls are participating in various forms of training with Clarissa, and we couldn’t be happier with how they have progressed in such a short period of time.


Maeve (12) has been training with Clarissa through her academy and 1on1 sessions for 3 years, and our youngest Elsie (8) has been doing Clarissa’s Academy for around 12 months.


Maeve’s skills and confidence continue to improve week on week in all aspects including her shooting form, her offence, and defensive skills.

Elsie’s dribbling skills and shooting form have accelerated in a very short period and have translated to an increase in confidence during her games.


The girls are excited when training comes around and are keen to show us what they are learning.  All of Clarissa’s training is done in a fun and encouraging environment allowing our girls to feel safe and supported. Her focus on fitness, flexibility and mindfulness as well as core basketball skills, make this such a unique program for junior basketballers.


We feel extremely lucky to have access to an elite coach and athlete to help our girls through their basketball journey.


"There is no Doubt Clarissa (Cee) has exceptional basketball skill, techniques and experience to pass on to those she coaches. Where Clarissa really stands out is in the way she connects with people. I have been in awe of the way Clarissa so quickly built a mutually respectful rapport with my son (12 yo). She guides him to become not just a better basketball player but a more rounded huam in the way he approaches the sport he loves. She is an exceptional coach and a valued mentor"


“Clarissa is a step ahead of the rest when it comes yo know-how of basketball; having played college herself she was the first choice when the time came to select a mentor and basketball development trainer for my daughter. Clarissa developed a deep understanding of the player and individual that my daughter was. She not only attended games but also developed a true sense of trust through conversation and game analysis;

Where my daughter learnt the skills to identify her own strengths and areas for improvement. Clarissa's high level of professionalism, discipline and expectation was evident in her structured and individualised training programs. These sessions varied in intensity and were targeted around the development of my daughters basketball IQ needs, self analysis; to drills targeted to enhance fitness, agility, defensive footwork, shooting and offense. Clarissa consistently observed, provided constructive feedback and consistently corrected technique. She only supported the development of my daughter on the court; but more importantly off the court. The time my daughter spent with Clarissa over the years, her life lessons and teachings, will be something my daughter will carry with her for years to come."


''Training with Clarissa has changed my life. Before I came to Clarissa I wasn't motivated or confident in anything I really did. Through working with Clarissa she has coached me into a more healthy and positive person. She has helped me with both food and nutrition, which was something I personally struggled with. Even outside of training she always checks up on me to see how I'm going and sends me positive messages out of nowhere: when I need them most. I used to hate exercising but Clarissa's bubbly and happy personality makes it such a welcoming and happy place. I know when I go there I'll feel so much better and gain so much out of it. I honestly can't thank Clarissa enough for what she has done for me. She is truly amazing."


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