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Cee Tomlinson Basketball Academy​ is a place to; “Trust Your Path” of Greatness, allow your voice to be heard, stand strong, expand your identity, build confidence, have faith and ‘believe’, ‘breathe’, and learn that “consistency is a key” ingredient of contribution.

During our lives we are interdependent. It is through our relationships with ‘others,’ the blind spots in our definition of life are exposed. Basketball is a game or vehicle designed to support those who are called to level up their choices about what their life is to be about.

Children have fewer obstacles than adults in creating possibility. The​ Cee Tomlinson Basketball Academy has a principal focus of supporting our young people to develop their own frameworks for making a difference.

Basketball training, conditioning, relationships and all of the external benefits of this program are incidental to the direct opportunities in all areas of life opened up through this program.

Basketball Packages
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